Wednesday 21 April 2010

Discussions of target audience – who do you, think the genre is aimed at? Think about age and gender. Write one hundred and fifty words which summarises your thoughts on the audience for crime films.

The target audience for crime genres usually is usually teenagers to adults but more so males are the wider viewers if crime movies. The reason I think crime movies are made for more male viewers is because they often contain several scenes of violence and explosive scenes. The typical stereotype movie for a female viewer is often love story films and romance. Women are more unlikely to view films at the Cinerama with scenes containing violence, bloody scenes and crime. There is too much violence in a crime movie for young children to witness, also a lot of elderly people wouldn’t like to view at crime at cinemas due to death and violent scenes. Therefore I thin k that the main audience for a crime film is mainly aimed towards teenagers and the older generation, more so males.

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